Affiliate Disclosure
We are a participant in several affiliate programs. This includes, Sweetwater Sound, Guitar Center, Seymour Duncan, and the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This allows us to earn a share of any sales or a commission. But only when a product is purchased through one of our product links, but at no extra cost to you. These are links that allow a product price check or more information about a product.
By clicking a link and buying a product, you help us to continue to run this website. It helps us to provide unbiased reviews, tips and tricks, and we love to add this value to the community! We only recommend products that we believe are the best for your money and love to take the guess work out of it for you.
We do encourage you to do your own due diligence, as some pieces of gear are not one size fits all. Every player is different, but we make sure our reviews are the highest quality. They are the most unbiased reviews that we can possibly make.
We also only recommend reputable sellers. They must provide great service and fast shipping. This is another way we try to help you find the best experience available to you.
So, we want to thank you for your support by buying gear through our links! We will continue to provide the most in depth and highest quality reviews that we are capable of!
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Killer Rig, or its staff, does not have any influence or control over any products or services or third party websites. Killer Rig is not responsible for any agreement or understanding you enter into with a third party through a third party website and or in relation to any product or services.